Gjergj Pelini

Gjergj Pelini (? - 1463) was an Albanian Catholic priest and diplomat of the League of Lezhë.


Pelini's birthdate is unknown, but his birthplace Novobërdë is stated in a 1441 document. From 1438 to 1463, he was the head of the Saint Mary abbey in Rotec, in nowadays Sutomore. His abbey was under the jurisdiction of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bar, but he was not in good relations with its titulars, due to his ambitions of becoming himself head of Archdiocese. In 1441, together with Gjon Gazulli he is mentioned as a member of a diplomatic mission in Italy. Together with Andrea, the Bishop of Arbër, he participated as a negotiator between Skanderbeg and Venice Republic during the peace treaty negotiations that ended Albanian–Venetian War of 1447–1448.

While Venice proveditors in Albania were helping the Ottoman army during the First Siege of Krujë, as a representative of Skanderbeg, in October 1450 in a diplomatic maneuver, he proposed to the Venice to handed them over the city of Krujë if they wanted too. On November 1450 Venice informed him that his request was not accepted, because it had not enough soldiers to do so. Mainly due to his efforts the peace treaty privileges and payment conditions were renewed in 1456. At the same year he was appointed as Protonotary apostolic. In 1457 in the name of Skanderbeg he went in a diplomatic mission to Pope Callixtus III, asking help to resist the Ottoman campaign of that year. In 1458 during the conflict between Skanderbeg and Lekë Dukagjini, he acted as an intermediary between Skanderbeg and Venice, achieving a personal success in forging the bases for a future military alliance between them. In a sign of good will, in 1459 Skanderbeg handed over to Venice the castle of Shas, that he had captured from Lekë Dukagjini that year. Pleased by this act, Venice rewarded Gjergj Pelini's brothers with a monthly pension. In 1460 Skanderbeg appointed him as his personal ambassador to Venice and Rome. While with his Italian campaign Skanderbeg played a great role in saving the Kingdom of Naples, which was the eternal enemy of Venice, their mutual relations worsened. However due to Gjergj Pelini efforts, their obligations under current treaties were respected. In 1463 he played an important role in the signing of an alliance treaty between Skanderbeg and the Republic of Venice. He is last mentioned in sources in August 1463 and he presumably died later that year.[1]


  1. ^ Gjergj Pelini the abbot of Rotec, diplomat of Skanderbeg by Jahja Drançolli PhD in "Buzuku" Informative, social and cultural magazine 23 October 2008, Ulqin, Montenegro. pages 4-5. (in Albanian)